Macbeth: Act 1, Scene 5 – Lady Mabeth’s “Unsex Me Here” SoliloquyÂ
Lat period we examined Lady Macbeth’s first Soliloquy, “Unsex Me Here”, and we reviewed my presentation identifying some of the underlying language effects.
Since then you were asked to complete the task assigned in the video – which was to write your own paragraph, on your blog, using the guidance you’ve been given.
Today we’re going to get together in the hangout. We’ll do our usual quiz on the play so far and then look at some of your analysis paragraphs.Â
This is our last English lesson for the term. During your two week Easter break, I encourage you to set time aside every day to read. We’ll also take time tomorrow to share some book recommendations – which I’ll then publish on here – so you’ve got some great leads for good books. The amount of good it does you to read independently is impossible to over-state.
- The entire script – online
- Video Explainer – Metaphor in Lady Macbeth’s Solioquy